Friday 14 March 2014

Supplements: Supplements?

By Rachelle Healy

noun: supplement; plural noun: supplements
something that completes or enhances something else when added to it.

The purpose of this article is to inform you about the supplements we, as trainers often mention.  Just to clarify there is no such thing as a magic pill or powder that will produce results by itself.  YOU are going to have to do the hard graft.

Only a proper diet and workout program are capable of making these things happen. Once you’ve set up both and effectively put them into action, supplements can, at best, only enhance your efforts and results. 

The key to losing fat, building muscle, or just improving your body or health in any way is a combination of a proper diet consisting of nutrient dense foods and a solid workout program. 
The best supplements in the world won’t do a thing if you don’t get those important factors right first.

The supplements discussed in this article are based upon science, not hype or marketing campaigns.  

These supplements are the basic and fundamental ones to take as our body requires them to perform daily tasks efficiently, yet due to lifestyles nowadays and environmental factors, we are often deficient.

Speak to your trainer if interested and they can recommend trusted brands and the correct dosage or protocols for you.

The basic supplements that should be taken are:

·      Fibre
·      Probiotic
·      Magnesium
·      Zinc
·      Fish Oil
·      Vitamin D


Fiber can be either insoluble or soluble, although most fiber-containing foods have both. Insoluble fiber speeds up the movement of food through the intestines and promotes regularity. It is excreted largely intact. 

Insoluble fiber can be found in whole-grain foods, wheat bran, many vegetables, and fruit with skin.

Soluble fiber dissolves when mixed with water and becomes a gel-like substance, slowing down the movement of food through the small intestine. Sources of soluble fiber include oats, peas, beans, apples, and citrus fruits; one serving of any of these foods provides about one to three grams (g) of soluble fiber.

It is recommended to have anything from 20-50 grams per day, which means that unless you’re planning on chowing through 6-8 cups of fruit and vegetables each day then a quality (meaning sugar and synthetic free) supplement could be worth investing in.

Evidence suggests that soluble fiber is more effective at lowering cholesterol, but both types of fiber are important for your health. One of the ways soluble fiber may lower blood cholesterol is through its ability to reduce the amount of bile reabsorbed in the intestines.

It works like this:
When fiber interferes with absorption of bile in the intestines, the bile binds to the fiber and is excreted. 

To make up for this loss of bile, the liver makes more bile salts. The body uses cholesterol to make bile salts. So in order to obtain the cholesterol necessary to make more bile salts, the liver increases its production of LDL  (Low-density lipoprotein) receptors.

These receptors are responsible for pulling cholesterol out of LDL molecules in the bloodstream. Therefore, the more bile salts are made from the liver, the more LDL cholesterol is pulled from the blood.

Research has shown that increasing soluble fiber by 5 to 10 g a day reduces LDL cholesterol by about five percent.

Gluten free Oats, as well as psyllium and barley, are rich in beta-glucan, a soluble form of fiber, which has been shown to lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
Please note it is important to rotate your fibers often as using the same blend day in and day out can irritate the lining of the gut wall and leave you at greater risk of food intolerance. This happens due to the close contact fiber has with your intestinal lining.

The main reasons we are consuming less fiber these days is that various food processing methods can strip fiber from the food.
We, as a nation are also consuming less fiber as we don’t consume enough fibrous carbs. The main source of carbs should be fibrous.

Fibrous carbs typically have very low carb content. Their inherent high fiber brings about a very moderate insulin response, thus making them an ideal fat loss food. The best sources of fibrous carbs include the following:

• Broccoli                      
• Asparagus     
• Cauliflower
• Lettuce                       
• Cabbage        
• Mushrooms
• Green beans               
• Mushrooms   
• Onions
• Cucumber                   
• Spinach         
• Pepper

Fiber is important for making solid stools and helping food move through the digestive tract; as such, it is a key factor in helping to prevent many digestive disorders and eliminate bloating.


Probiotics are essential to basic human nutrition. Probiotics are live microorganisms (in most cases, bacteria) that are similar to the beneficial microorganisms naturally found in the human gut. These “good bacteria” are used to prevent and alleviate many different conditions, but particularly those that affect the gastrointestinal tract. 

Furthermore, probiotics can provide multiple benefits for your immune system. When probiotics are abundant in your body, it’s harder for bacteria that cause illness to get a foothold. Probiotics also suppress the growth of harmful bacteria.
There are a number of things that will disrupt our balance of gut bacteria, but two of the biggest things for most people are stress and antibiotics. 

In order for your body to absorb all the nutrients from food and benefits from supplements you must first ensure you improve your gut health.

Some food sources that contain probiotics are Kambucha tea, sauerkraut, live, active yoghurts and kerfir, however supplementation is recommended to deliver large amounts.


Magnesium is a dietary mineral which is the second most common deficiency in the first world (first being Vitamin D), Deficiency appears to increase blood pressure and reduce insulin sensitivity mostly.

Magnesium performs a number of critical functions in the body, including helping muscles contract and relax, assisting in nerve function, and keeping heart rhythm steady and strong. In fact, every cell in your body needs magnesium. One of magnesium’s most critical functions is energy production.

Magnesium has been show to:
·       Support insulin sensitively
·       A number of cardiovascular conditions
·       Healthy nerve conduction
·       Bone mineralization
·       Preventing cramps
·       Aids deep, and more rest sleep
·       Lower Cortisol
·       Can increase Growth hormone through improving sleep
·       It’s a synergetic mineral which means it helps other minerals
absorb better
·       Can increase testosterone through lowering Cortisol and
increasing DHEA (DHEA is a natural steroid and precursor hormone produced by the adrenals. Adequate levels of DHEA are needed to ensure your body can produce the hormones it needs them. When levels are low, your body does not have enough working material for proper endocrine function. DHEA is one of the best “feel-good” hormones we have and it works quickly and effectively when taken with the right combination of support.)

Magnesium is best taken in the evening as it promotes sleep.
Magnesium baths are a great way of topping up your levels if low as it can be absorbed through the skin.  These baths will help reduce any muscle soreness and aide with recovery.  It is best to have these baths at night time as well.


Researchers write that “zinc is such a critical element in human health that even a small deficiency is a disaster.”

Zinc is so important because it is found in every tissue in the body and is directly involved in cell division. It is a powerful antioxidant, helping to prevent cancer, but zinc also is directly involved in proper endocrine function and the maintenance of ideal hormone levels.

Zinc deficiency makes both men and women infertile and causes low libido.
Low zinc also exacerbates the effects of stress on the body and accelerates aging.  Additionally, adequate zinc is necessary for optimal physical performance, energy levels, and body composition.

Zinc affects protein synthesis and is required for proper function of red and white blood cells. It is highly concentrated in our bones, the pancreas, kidneys, liver, and retina.

Zinc also promotes
·       Healthier skin (helps premature aging of the skin)
·       Healthier hair
·       Stronger and better-looking nails
·       Better brain function
·       Boosts the immune system  (and recover from colds faster)
·       Helps speed up the bodies healing process

Fish Oil

It is hard to ignore the tremendous amount of research and practical evidence given about the positive effects of fish oil.
Research has found fish oil can benefit the body in a number of ways from cardiovascular health, inflammation, skin and eye health to neurological health. Because of the vast benefits of fish oil, you simply can’t go past it.
EPA and DHA, the omega-3 fatty acids found only in fish also increases levels of fat-burning enzymes and decreases levels of fat-storage enzymes in your body.

Nowdays our diets are very imflammatory with the amount of wheat, sugar and processed foods and oils we digest.  Products that used to be high in Omega 3 such as meat are now higher in Omega 6 due to stock being fed corn and grain as opposed to grass.  Many of the oils used in foods eg vegetable oils are purely Omega 6 oils creating a huge imbalance within our bodies. 
Fish oil is 100% Omega 3, therefore helping to restore balance.

By supplementing with Fish Oil, the aim is to restore balance between Omega 3:6 within the body. 
Anthropological research suggests that our hunter-gatherer ancestors consumed omega-6 and omega-3 fats in a ratio of roughly 1:1. It also indicates that both ancient and modern hunter-gatherers were free of the modern inflammatory diseases, like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, which are the primary causes of death and morbidity today.

Nowadays the ratios are about 20:1 and this is the cause of many illnesses we are now facing.  

By supplementing with good quality fish oil we aim to restore this balance and reduce the inflammation throughout the body.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D is different from other essential vitamins because our own bodies can manufacture it with sunlight exposure. The main function of vitamin D is to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in our bones and aid in cell to cell communication throughout the body.

Frequent exposure of the skin to sunlight promotes sufficient Vitamin D synthesis without the need for supplements, however with long winters and less time outdoors soaking up the rays as well as cloud cover and smog coupled with the application of sunscreens when in the sun, we often stop the bodies ability to absorp vitamin D and this has led many of us, especially those
who have darker skin pigmentation to become Vitamin D deficient.

Vitamin D is one of those key nutrients, which acts as a hormone in the body.

Known as the sunlight vitamin, due to synthesis occurring in the skin from the sun's radiation. It has a multitude of benefits:

The list of benefits is long and includes:
·       Bone health
·       Mood state
·       Improves calcium absorption
·       Brain health
·       Disease inhibitory effects
·       Supports cardiovascular health
·       Supports nerve health
·       Virtually every disease and condition and adverse condition is associated with low vitamin D3 levels
·       Blood sugar regulation
·       Muscle mass and strength
·       Weight loss

So to conclude, these supplements should accompany your current training and nutrition programme to enhance your results and support your body.

It is important however that you before you spend your hard earned cash on supplements, you are consistent in your training and good nutrition and working towards improving your gut health.

To purchase high grade, quality supplements or for more information, please speak to your trainer who can advise accordingly.


• Rachelle

With 8 years experience in Personal Training, Rachelle is very dedicated to each and every one of her clients ensuring they get the best out of each workout and giving them the tools to better themselves outside of the gym through improved nutrition and making small yet significant lifestyle changes.

Whether your goals are improved body composition, strength training or endurance events, Rachelle will help you get there whilst addressing postural and muscle imbalances along the way.

Over the years, Rachelle has completed several endurance cycling events, and having recently returned to London after travelling, her focus is now more on strength training.

Rachelle is also available for sports massage and has worked alongside Triathletes, Cyclists, Rugby Players, Marathon Runners and helped many office workers that succumb to the effects of sitting all day.

Rachelle is a firm yet fair trainer and encourages people to be the best version of themselves possible.

If you'd like to book a session with Rachelle then get in contact with us at

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