Thursday 22 May 2014

Lifestyle: Running, Top Tips to Get Motivated

Written by Hannah de Gruchy

Whether you're a new runner or you've been pounding the pavement for years, we can probably all relate to a feeling of dread when lacing up our trainers at times.  Feeling stuck? Read on for some tips and tricks to get re-energised!

Determine a realistic, measurable goal. 
Do you want to run one mile without stopping? Race your first 5K? Improve your time for a specific distance? Finish a marathon? Set a realistic goal that you're excited about and that will allow you to compare progress week to week. Avoid setting general goals like "get into shape" or "get faster"; it's hard to maintain focus when there's nothing specific to measure. Keep a detailed training log; the ability to track your progress toward a goal will help keep you focused and teach you what works and what doesn't. To hold yourself accountable, choose a goal race within a few short months.

Try some new gear. A new pair of running shoes can make all the difference. Visit a running store and have them check your ‘biomechanics’, or gait.  Ensuring you're wearing the proper shoe will aid in injury prevention and a more comfortable run. If you're not ready for a new pair of shoes, treat yourself to a comfortable vest, sports bra or a new pair of shorts. It's not much, and just might put a little pep in your step next time you're heading out to run!

Find a fun route. Consistently running on a treadmill? Head outside and explore. Already an outdoor runner? If every run takes you along the same street, try switching it up. Venture to a local running track or bike path. Run home from work or run a loop you’re bored of in the opposite direction.

Switch up your workouts. If you're consistently running alone, find a friend to join you or ask someone to bike alongside youIf you've been doing a lot of easy runs, try adding some speed work or adding in some extra hills once a week. Or, try the run/walk method; run for ten minutes and walk for one minute. Complete this sequence a few times until you reach your time or distance goal. Want an even simpler method? Pick up the pace between two landmarks (like trafficlights or lamp posts), and recover in between the next.

Create a new playlist. If it's safe for you to listen to music while running, find some new, upbeat songs to pump you up. Check out the "Fitness & Workout" genre on iTunes for some inspiration!

Run for someone else. Research some local charities. Not only can you raise money for a great cause, but you'll have a new appreciation for your health and abilities. They will oftenprovide you with everything from coaches to a fundraising webpage.

Take a break. If you're really dreading each run, it's okay to take a break! Try a different activity like cycling or swimming. Switch your focus to building strength and add in some weight training if you haven't already. Feeling run-down altogether? Rest. Listen to your body to determine when you should start running again. After some time off, you'll feel refreshed and much more excited when the time comes for your next run.  Hopefully…

Written by guest blogger Hannah de Gruchy from Monitor My Body.comMonitor My Body is an online healthy living and fitness company working to get you, the nation, eating right and finding fun and inspiring ways to stay fit.  Read their inspiring blog, find them on Facebook and Twitter and watch out for some exciting news that could benefit you coming soon.

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