Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Training: Halloween Circuit Training

Over the Halloween season it's not uncommon to consume excess calories. This wicked core workout will scare off those calorific demons - all you need is motivation and a pumpkin. 

As an added incentive to get you involved, we ask you to post your photos of you doing any of the 'MoreFit Halloween Circuit' exercises on our Facebook page and tag yourself in. We will choose some winners to have a free 1-2-1 personal training session as a reward

'MoreFit Halloween Circuit Training' 
- 5 exercises done back-to-back
- For complete beginners make sure you take 15-30 seconds rest between exercises 

- 60 seconds rest in between sets for advanced 
- 90 sec for intermediate 
- 120 sec rest for beginners 

Control your movement in every exercise and repeat the circuit according to your level
- Beginners: repeat 2 times 
- Intermediate: repeat 3 times
- Advanced repeat: repeat 4 times 

Equipment needed
- Beginners: 1 X pumpkin 
- Feeling brave: 1x large pumpkin 

1. Scary Sumo Squat with Pumpkin Over Head Reach 
How many: 15 reps 
Instructions: Keep your back straight, legs wide, toes turned out. Keep your chest up without rolling your back on the way down. Use the pumpkin for resistance to push yourself!
Main muscles: Legs & Arms 

Halloween Workout | Scary Sumo Squat with Pumpkin Over Head Reach

2. Pumpkin Plank with Hand Switch  
How many: 6 each hand 
Instructions: Keep your body flat and your core tight making sure your stomach doesn't sag down or your back arch up. Use knees if necessary.
Main muscles: Core, Triceps, Chest & Shoulders 

Halloween Workout | Pumpkin Plank with Hand Switch

3. Haunted Alternating Lunge with Pumpkin Hold 
How many: 12 lunges in total 
Instructions: Keep upper body straight, shoulders back and engage your core. Step forward, lower hips to a 90 degree angle.
Main muscles: Legs, Core & Arms 

Halloween Workout | Haunted Alternating Lunge with Pumpkin Hold

4. Spooky Sit Up with Elevated Pumpkin
How many: 15 reps
Instructions: Place feet flat on the ground with back on the floor holding the pumpkin straight in the air. Tighten core and pull up from the floor maintaining the arm elevation.
Main muscles: Core & Arms 

Halloween Workout | Spooky Sit Up with Elevated Pumpkin

5. Frightful Push Up on Pumpkin
How many: 4-8 reps 
Instructions: Hands firmly on the pumpkin. Make sure you get you elbows in and chest right down. Use knees if necessary.
This is a very difficult exercise - leave out if it's too hard! 
Main muscles: Triceps, Chest & Core

Halloween Workout | Frightful Push Up on Pumpkin


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